Saturday, January 5, 2008

Some things we are trying to figure out

For those wondering what is happening, I'm trying to share some things we spoke about in yesterday's meeting that are still pending decision/action.

One was a contact point and a means of quickly and efficiently spreading word among members, which is this place and the newsletter.

Another thing we spoke about was locations for meetings - meeting every month means that we need places to meet in every month. This time, Pratima and Sunil generously offered their hearts and home (and were clear that we are welcome there for meetings in the future as well).

Two hours were not enough, so there is a plan to make the February meeting an all day thing in the National Park. The date was tentatively decided as the 9th, but we are still coming to a concrete thing on it, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, if you would like to host meetings, have locations to suggest, etc. claim your space so that we can all enjoy your ideas and generosity.

What else......? Oh yes. Wasundhara expressed concern that very few people have joined the special event and we are not sure if everyone had got information about it on time. What I will do is have a talk with her and Vikram and post the information right here for all to see. Probably by tomorrow. If you are in a hurry to know more and sooner, feel free to contact them directly and ask.

Yesterday was the first meeting after the Umang and National events, so there was a lot to talk about. We also had a very special guest Sushma brought along - Susan. She arranges marriages in the US, and talking with her was a very special experience and insightful. Safe to say that most of us revisited our own marriages and the unmarried ones got some very nice ideas for when they marry. Conversation, as they say was lively. Exact content? heh. Attend the next meeting :D

The Mumbai chapter is buzzing with energy, and I anticipate lots of things making their way onto this platform very soon.

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